She is a female Saiyan, the wife of Bardock, and the mother of Raditz and Kakarot (Goku). Like other Saiyans, her name is based on that of a vegetable; in this case, the spring onion (葱, negi in Japanese). Goku's mother is mentioned in the original Dragon Ball manga when Raditz tells Goku that their parents have died along with planet Vegeta, and later when Vegeta pleas for Frieza's destruction. The character was first introduced in an interview with Akira Toriyama in the March 2014 issue of Saikyō Jump (released in February 2014), and her design was first presented in Dragon Ball Minus, a short story featured in the collected volume of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman (April 4, 2014). (Source: Dragon Ball Wikia)