Age: 15 Class: Year 6, Class Ro Committee: Physical Education Committee chairman Preferred weapon: Kunai A Ninjutsu Academy student with an incredible amount of physical strength and stamina, Koheita is loud, friendly, cheerful, happy-go-lucky, always full of energy and reckless almost to a fault. His philosophy is to charge right ahead and never sweat the small stuff. His often heard catchphrase is "ike ike don don!" As the Physical Education Committee chairman, he's often drag along his committee underclassmen to run long marathons at full speed, and he's made a hobby of digging trenches, sometimes using only a pair of kunai, and sometimes with his bare hands. Also whenever something comes flying in his direction, he makes a point of jumping up to spike it with full force to the ground like a volleyball, once even breaking his hand while trying to do it to a cannon ball.