Age: 18, 23 (second season), 25 (Movie) Unit: MSJ-06II-SP Tieren Taozi GNX-603T GN-X GNR-101A GN Archer A "supersoldier" with the rank of Second Lieutenant sent to aid Sergei in his goal to capture a Gundam. She had been enhanced by scientists from the Super Soldier Special Duty Organization. She is a designer baby, enhanced through experiments bet the HRL's supersoldier division. She and Allelujah Haptism shared mental connection as they were both experiments in the HRL. This caused her to go berserk in one incident and was later given a special suit to prevent this. She holds a special grudge against Gundam Kyrios' pilot, knowing that he is an enhanced human who "betrayed" his own kind when he destroyed the supersoldier research facility. After her latest battle in which Kyrios used the Trans-Am system to defeat her, she becomes unnerved by the idea that a "defective product" could outmatch her "superior" genes. She later calls Allelujah by an experiment ID number, indicating that she may have discovered his true identity. Her true name is Marie. She seems to view Sergei as a father figure, because he may have been the first person to show any sort of care for her. She even abandons the fight against Kyrios to extract him from his disabled GN-X; it is because she comes out of her mobile suit at this point to do this that Allelujah could see her and recognize her as Marie.