A girl who Shinkur� lived with when he was young and also his sparring partner. Her soft demeanor (albeit with yandere tendencies, triggered by other girls approaching Shinkur�) hides the fact that she is a strong fighter, whom Shinkur� acknowledges to be much stronger than himself, despite her being older by just one year. Yūno is upset that Shinkur� has not realized he was her first love. Even now, she still has feelings for Shinkur�, always finding excuses to spend time with him, such as cooking meals for him. However, her advances tend to be very threatening (most likely because Shinkur� always has another girl with him) and scare him into just letting her hear what she wants. Yūno resents the decision Shinkur� made in deciding to move out her household to live on his own and fears he will change into a hooligan. She has made it very clear that she wants him back in the H�zuki household. Yūno has a younger sister named Chizuru, who is five, who also has a crush on Shinkur�. Even though the H�zuki family are no longer assassins, their grandfather expects Yūno and Chizuru to carry on the H�zuki family martial arts. In the anime, Yūno is much more assertive in her advances towards Shinkur� and does not appear to have the yandere tendencies.