

訪問者 萩尾望都作品集

Collection of four stories.

Visitor (Houmonsha)

This is a sidestory to "Tooma no Shinzou" and tells the childhood of Oscar, Thomas's friend. Oscar feels as if he has nowhere to belong to. His mother is overprotective and his father hardly talks to him. One day his father can no longer cope with the –hidden- fact that his mother deeply loves a child that isn’t his son, and kills her. Oscar finally realizes why he felt like he wasn’t loved by his father, but from now on, he has no one but his father to rely on… (Source: karémanga)

Castle (Shiro)

The small Radcliff, after the divorce between his parents, is found living alone with his father. But after a few years, he is forced to move away from him too, as he is entering college. On top of that, he is not very sociable and often poses questions of ethics... Through its history, Hagio-sensei shows us how each of us builds his own conscience and his own identity, based on personal choices when faced with cases of life and fortune. (Source: smo-project)

Egg Stand


Angel Mimic (Tenshi no Gitai)

